Sunday, September 04, 2005

Life as a student in overseas is really not as easy as I thought it would be.
THere are lots of things that I need to keep myself in-track of and to manage.
Financial management has been one of my weakness and I've learned a lot since I came over to Adelaide.
Last two months has really been a struggle for me but I thank God that He was there to help me through and has kept me strong and perservere all the way until now.
I have to struggle with my normal allowance to pay for a five weeks rental, instead of four weeks every month. I did not dare to ask from my dad for more as he was already very unhappy with my current spending pattern at that moment. So I told myself that I will perservere through it and that GOd will truly provide me with all my need and also that I can watch my daily spending closely and tightly.

Ever since I attended Ezekiel Camp, God spoke to me and gave me a breakthrough into my offering pattern and I obeyed and "upgraded" my weekly offering to Him.
During this moment of struggle, I asked myself whether I should "degrade" my offering during those weeks, but somehow God kept me strong in faith and I kept giving as according to the breakthrough. GOd had kept me strong as I perservered and kept giving as I should, including the thithes that I used to give every month.

All until this month, God intervened and blessed me when my dad agreed to send some extra allowance to me this month to cover the two extra weeks through the two months' period, with the aid of my sister. I truly thank God for His graceful provision, just right on time. Without Him, I wouldn't have been able to work through this difficult times. I always reminded myself through this period of testing, "God is my DRIVER! Let Him handle the wheel!" and "God is my Provider and I shall not be in want".
As I read through His words, as I always did, God spoke to me so clearly today (4 Spetember 2005) through Proverbs 3:9-10 Honour the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of ALL your crops; then your barns will be fillled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine. These two verses confirmed to me again that I am doing the right things when I was struggling about giving thithes when I first came over to Australia. God again confirmed to me that I was on the right track. Praise the Lord for His guidance.
Another passage that God spoke to me today was also from Proverbs 3:21-26 My son, preserve sound judgement and DISCERNMENT, do not let them out of your sight; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety and your FOOT WILL NOT STUMBLE; when you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your SLEEP WILL BE SWEET. Have NO FEAR of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtake the wicked, for the LORD WILL BE YOUR CONFIDENCE & WILL KEEP YOUR FOOT FROM BEING SNARED. As I read thruohg these beautiful words that were spoken to me today, I felt all the more strengthened, to walk faithfully with the Lord.

One more thing that I just remembered now. Perhaps today is Australian Father's Day (& so coincidently) that God chose to reveal this few revelation to me about my lives today. It was as if this was His loving gift or message to me today, as He stands faithful as my Great Heavenly Abba Father. I truly thank God for His loving grace.

As I shared this works of the Lord with you, I truly hope that it will also strengthen you, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Perhaps you are sturggling in the same situation as I was. Let me encourage you to be strong and faithful in the Lord in giving and thithing. He shall provide you your every need as how He has done in me. May the Lord bless you all!


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