We Are The Temple of The Lord ( 28/05/06)
Pastor Matt Heins preached about Fuel Your Faith this Sunday morning in the church.I was given the priviledge to serve in the choir this morning. Although we were not able to be the audience (below the stage) to his preaching, as we stood on the position in the choir throughout his preaching, I was so glad that I was able to attend both two services this morning; first service, as a supporter to Pastor Matt at the back of the stage, and second service, as the audience to Pastor Matt's preaching.
Even in the first service, God reveal to me greater things from the preaching into my heart. In short, Pastor Matt pointed out that (1) God will fuel our faith with fresh challenges of faith, (2) God gave us the fuel of faith through the power of the church (assembly = engage in the work of the Lord), & (3) fueling the flame by keeping up with our daily devotion (daily fuel of fire).
After Pastor Matt preached, Pastor Jane came with a great revelation and connection when she spoke about the temple of the Lord in the Old Testament (OT), where David was given the plan of the temple and she spoke about the two pillars in front of the temple; one named He will establish and another In Him is Strength. This OT temple is a picture of what God wants to do in the New Testament (NT), where WE are the temple of the Lord and His presence dwells in us. It has the same blueprints and the two pillars; He will establish through His work on the Cross and He will strengthen us.
As God spoke about the OT temple, the Lord also spoke into my heart about the continuous burning fire of the lamp in the temple. As it was in the OT, we need to keep the flame burning within our heart if we want the Lord to dwell in us (the NT temple). So we need to constant fire burning within our heart by having continual fellowship with the Lord and daily devotion. That's the source of oil for our lamp to keep the flame burning within our heart.
Now I understood the meaning of one of our Sunday School song, Give Me Oil In My Lamp, to Kepp me burning, burning, burning.
Praise the Lord for such a great revelation and great message He has brought to the church this Sunday!
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