Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Language of Our Life (25/06/06)

I slept earlier last night to prepare myself to sing in the choir early on this Sunday morning. Before I sleep, I prayed that God would prepare my heart well for an encounter with the Mighty Lord tomorrow. I believed He will speak to me this Sunday morning.
I managed to wake up early in the morning to do my devotion before David picked me up from my place to church. I truly thanked the Lord for blessing me such compassionate and caring brother like him, who is willing to sacrifice the distance, just to pick me up, so that I have such great opportunity to serve the Lord in the choir.
We managed to sing well this morning, although there were some parts that we missed. But God showed up to me in the preaching by Pastor Matt. The message that he preached this morning just clicked in so well with my devotion this morning. It was as if that God made his sermon a continuation of what He wanted to tell me, from my devotion this morning. Indeed truly I believed that He had prepared my heart well for such great message this morning.

My devotion book spoke about how Paul’s life has been great examples to our Christian life. How in each circumstance he was in, he always used it as an opportunity to grow and for evangelism. “Regardless of his circumstances, Paul’s concern was how he could use his current situation to tell others of God’s good news of salvation.”

Often when we encounter a new situation, our first thoughts are not about God’s kingdom.
When we face a crisis, we can become angry or fearful for our own well-being,
Rather than looking to see what God intends to do through our circumstances.
If we remain self-centered we will miss so much of what God could do through our experiences, both for us and for those around us

In Ps. Matt’s sermon this morning, he started with this as an intro to his sermon – The Language of Our Life. God has a purpose for every situation that we are and had been through. They are opportunities for us to grow in every area that HE has designed/purposed, even from the beginning of the world.
From this Ps. Matt continued to bring forth more words of revelations from the Lord.
How we look and act at our current situation speaks forth a great message of our life to the people around us. He also used Paul as an example to this message.
He challenged us with this question – What is the message of your life? OR What message are you building in your life?
With that, I believed that our action/reaction to the situation we are facing each day are very important. It will determine of where you are going or your future. Firstly, we need to know and see our (real) current position first. Secondly we need to admit our position with honesty and truthfulness. Then only can we move on to our future.
He illustrated this through the example of how Jesus dealt with the Samaritan women at the well (John 4:4-30). He made her acknowledge the reality of her situation, which is building in her lives right now. With that Jesus opened up her eyes and changed the message of her lives – how she so shameful to speak to the society before this encounter, and how her language changed into faith of evangelism when she went and reported in the city about Jesus, the Savior.
Until you know your current position, you won’t know
Where you are going!
He also spoke from Epehsian 10:6 – how we, as Christians, need to take our stand firm in our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, so that we will not be shaken.
Know where you are standing and what you are standing on.
This will determine the strategy of our fight against the enemy
I truly believed this message was for everyone, whether or not you are a Christian. We truly need to know and truly face our current position first and deal with it first, before we can truly move on towards our future or to grow ahead in influence and in life.
Another analogy I would think about in regard to this sermon was WE are all building a building in our lives each day. What we do each day would determine the structure and the strength of the building we are building each day. If we used “bad bricks” to build this building, it would collapse easily when storm hits the structure and vice versa. So our attitude/action/response towards each situation is the bricks that we will use to build this building. Good attitudes are good bricks and bad attitudes are bad bricks. We would not be able to know the result of our works until when this “storm” hits. Therefore we need to keep watch of our response in every situation we are each day.

Where are you standing now?
What message are you building in your lives?


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