Wednesday, September 21, 2005

What A Beautiful Wednesday

I went to gym in uni to do some exercises and workout in the morning. After that, I went to get a new bag for uni use, as my old one was wearing off. But it had been the best one I've ever had, as it had been with me through these years of my struggles in tertiary studies. I thank God for enabling me to get this new bag, which I would expect to last pretty long, as it is a canvas type bag and it also has a "lifetime" (lifetime of the bag, if you understand what this meant) warranty.
I also thank God for His favour that I could still get a bit of bargain for it (though not much), in addition to it's clearance sale price. But I guess I'm paying for the quality of the bag lar.....
Praise the Lord!
After getting the bag, I realised that I missed the Connector Bus to North Adeladie, which meant I'll have to walk all the way home. I also thanked God for the beautiful weather today (quite warm and hot and sunny) that I could walk home slowly, enjoying the fresh air and His created nature.
On my way home, I met the OCF people having a praying meeting out on the field, near Torrens River. Feeling so eager to just sit down on the green grass, with such baeautiful weather, I joined them for the last few minutes of the sharings and prayer. It was good to be able to catch up with a few of my friends like Kevin, Christine Ching, Boon Ping, and Samuel.
After that, I continued to walk home and managed to do some study before got ready to go out for dinner with Andrew Lim, my Life Group leader.
I made some barley for Andrew, with some Anzac biscuits, as he waited for me to change. Then we went out for Pizza House and he blessed me with the pizza meal. at the same time, I managed to update him of the stuff that are happening in my lives and we also managed to discuss stuff about the Life group.
I truly thank God for such a brother like Andrew that we can connect so well and also we could share our personal stuff together and at the same time, encouraging one another to walk with Christ.
After the dinner, we went to Powergen together. I was truly grateful that John was able to come along as well tonight. It was truly the divine appointment for him to come tonight, as God truly spoke so clearly to him in the meeting, through Pastor Adrian. I was also grateful to have been there as well, as God also spoke to me in that meeting, in many ways.
Throughout this few days of the semester break, I was reading this book by Joyce Meyer, "The Battlefield of the Mind". The current chapter (An Anxious and Worried Mind) I was reading also spoke so deeply into my heart, as it truly has taught me how to deal with my current worries of my mind. I wouldn't like to hurry through reading it, but I wanted to take my time and read it so that I would understand the content well and also so that I will be able to be well-equipped with the battle of my mind.
Among those stuff that was revealed to me or was reminded to me were:
- Take One Day At A TIme
- DOn't Fret or Have ANxiety
- Cast Your Cares Upon God
- Matthew 6:25 Therefore I tell you, stop being perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried) about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink; or about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life greater (in quality) thank food, and the body, (far above and more excellent) than clothing?
I truly thank God for His greatness and His goodness! Hallelujah!
Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord forever!


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