Gideon's Requests for Signs (11/04/06)
God spoke to me this morning as I was doing my devotion. I realised these days, God speaks to me through the Old Testament, compared to the New Testament last time (years ago).
I was reading about Gideon in the book of Judges today when He directed my mind to the story of Gideon in chapter 6, verses 36 to 40 (the main empahsis - do read the whole chapter to understand the full story). He tested the Lord twice and asked for signs, confirming His calling of his live, even after he had witnessed the miraculous fire from the rock that consumed the offering he had placed on the rock in verses 20 to 22.
The explanatory notes of The Life Application Study Bible says that; "It is true that to make good decisions, we need facts, but still he (Gideon) hesitated. He delayed obeying God because he wanted even more proof.
Demanding extra signs was an indication of unbelief. Fear often makes us wait for more confirmation when we should be taking action. Visible signs are unnecessary if they only confirm what we already know is true."
These notes and verses spoke into my heart greatly because after I've made up my mind of sponsoring/blessing my friend with an opportunity to attend a church conference a few days ago, I was shaken again by the decision (unsure if this is what God wants me to do) and I asked the Lord for more signs or words from Him to confirm of such action. I waited for quite a few day, maybe a week, until God spoke to me today through these passages.
I repented and asked the Lord to forgive me, when I read "Demanding extra signs was an indication of unbelief". I truly believe by now that this is the right thing to do.
I would also honestly share that I refused to believe this was the right thing to do at the first place because I used a lot of my own reasonings and mind to get an excuse not to do that, although the Lord has shown me (and I believed too) that He has a great reward awaiting for me after I've acted in obedience.
Now that the Lord has truly confirmed and spoken, I am very determined with the action and I should act by faith to obey Him.
I thank the Lord for answering my prayer and for showing me His way, so that I could repent. PTL for His goodness and His faithfulness.
Are you obeying His words today?
If you want to have more of God's guidance, don't ask for signs; study the Bible. (also taken from the notes of the same passages above)
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