Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Secret to Looking Younger and Better (14/04/06)

The Lord revealed this truth and secret into my heart as I continued my reading of the book by Joyce Meyer, How to Hear from God. The passage below was taken from the book;

The power of God can make us look better and keep us feeling younger, because we are not living the hard life of sin... The world that we live in is full of gross darkness (see Isaiah 9:2). But God gave Jesus “for a light to the nations” (see Isaiah 42:6). His light is visible in the faces of true believers.

This was the passage that caught my attention. As I read through once more, the Lord led me to think about the comment that my mom mentioned years before, when she had not receive the Lord into her lives. She told me that she can see difference in the look of one of my aunt, who is a Christian. She wondered what the secret was. She even mentioned to me that she always looks young and happy (joyful). Those statements brought my attention to this passage.

As I highlighted this passage on my book, the Lord led me to story of Moses in the book of Exodus 34:29-35. Moses’ face was radiant after he had spent time with the Lord (for 40 days and 40 nights).

My dictionary explained that radiant means someone who looks extremely happy and very bright. Whereas, the word extremely happy means overjoyed and joyful, and bright means full of strong shining light, or/and happy and lively (cheerful).

In addition to that, under the same Bible passage, it says in the Study Bible;

Moses’ face was radiant after he spent time with God. The people could clearly see God’s presence in him. How often do you spend time alone with God? Although your face may not light up the room, time spent in prayer, reading the Bible, and meditating should have such an effect on your life that people will know you have been with God.

Wow! Isn’t that great secret to looking good?

Have you been spending time with the Lord?
Have you received Jesus into your lives?
He is waiting and knocking at the door of your heart,
Invite Him into your lives and spend time with the Lord daily!


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