Post-Elevation Breakthroughs (5/8/07)
Hoping to get some encouragement from my family members, I called home on Friday night to speak to them. However, the calls just left me broken, dicouraged and disappointed when all I got was some "negative and sarcastic pressure" (don't know how to describe this) from them to finish my final studies. My heart was broken and hurt that night and I fell on my knees, crying by my bed. In my tears and brokenness, I poured out my heart to God and turned to Him for strength and comfort. In my tears that night, I realised there were two issues I was facing. Firstly it was disappointment. Secondly I was also feeling a bit tired and weary and "discontent" after continuingly serving God in the area of my gifting in the church. I went to get an early rest that night.
Little did I know God had something planned for me in the OxyGen meeting on this Saturday evening. The worship session was awesome as God's mighty presence filled the place and touched our hearts. As Ps Michael Raj preached that night, God caught my attention when my name was mentioned in the sermon. Ps Michael's message spoke directly into my heart and a word of encouragement that he spoke was stuck in my heart forever - "FAITHFULNESS". As I sat there in my seat in brokenness, the tears well up within me as God's Spirit spoke and ministered to me. Each words spoke deep into my heart and gave me the strength to continue to serve God passionately in the areas of my gifting. As he elaborated in the sermon, I was more determined to offer God the little things (or gifts) that I can offer, trusting that He will multiply them to bless/feed His people abundantly or as much as they can eat. It has truly propelled me on and flamed up the fire and passion within my heart to serve God. I also trust that every little things I do will no be wasted and will contribute to a great harvest of fruit in the future for God's glory.
At first I thought we have dealt with all the issues in my heart that night. Little did I know that He was going to deal with the other issue in my heart this (Sunday) morning. God lovingly dealt with the other issue in my heart through the message that was preached by Ps Mark this morning in the City Service on the topic of "Disappointment". His example of how Jesus dealt with Peter after he disowned Jesus thrice really spoke into my heart. Jesus dealt with Peter's disappointment by first addressing his disappointment and then called him to follow Him. THis morning, God also addressed my disappointments and He also called me to follow Him, bringing me back to the place of vision and restoring my vision again. Through this encounter, God has also lifted off the burden of disappointment from my heart, enabling me to move forward in freedom and victory in Christ.
Indeed this weekend has been a great encounter weekend for me and I am truly transformed and restored to my position of authority in Christ again. I also believe that these are the breakthroughs that God has prepared for me as a POST-ELEVATION CAMP BREAKTHROUGHS as I held on to what Ps Michael Rowan said during the camp that some of us will experience our breakthroughs weeks after the camp. I also believe that these are just the beginning and there are more to come in the future. PTL!