Monday, November 17, 2008

Prayers and AMAZED (17/11/08)

The storm caused the electricity to be down till this monring.
I was disappointed becasue I thought it would have come by this morning when I am asleep.
I was a bit desperate to have the electircity when I made breakfast befroe going to work.
So it dawned to me to ask God for help.
I prayed the words and requested God to bring back the electricity soon.
I need to study and I don't want my food to rot in my fridge.
Instead of praying prayers of request, I switched my gear to prayer of faith.
Prayer of request sounded. "Lord, I pray and ask that you will bring back the electricity as soon and possible."
But prayer of FAITH goes like this, "Lord, as much as I heard people saying that it normally takes a couple of days for them to fix the electricity, I still put my faith in you, Lord, and I know that there is nothing impossible in You. I beleive You are able and you can miraculously bring the lights up now. I don't know how but I do know that You can do it, Lord. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayer."
After I finished my breakfast, I heard the beeps from the diswasher and I realised that God has answered my prayer of faith.
I rejoiced in my walk to work this morning.

After dinner, God caught my attention in the song "Amazed" by Lincoln Brewster as I do my work on my computer.
Immediately, I sensed God's presence and anointing on this song.
I got on my knees and lifted my hands to Him in my room, in His presence.
As I lifted my hands, I felt God's warmth and warm embrace upon my hands, as if I was reaching into the cloud of His presence.
I felt the warmth just radiate into my heart as I praised Him through the song.
The warmth radiated and pierced straight into my heart three times and they brought peace and love into my heart and tears rolls in my eyes.
The warmth of His presence is so comforting and He amazed me once again and strengthened me.
I do beleive He has strengthened me for a mission to pray in this season of time.
Especially for the disaster of storm this week.
I am more determined to pray earnestly and victoriously for every situation that are arising at this season..... storm, or family, or relatives etc.
I hope you will join arms with me to pray along for God's protection upon His people and also upon our community also.