Your Heavenly Father Knows You (26/7/06)
I saw this nice pair of leather boots for men in the mall yesterday and it's on sale and it's super comfy. I have a desire to buy it. As I thought about this at night, I noticed that I needed to save more money and so there was not much I can spare from my pocket money to buy that pair of shoes. Well, the only option I've got now was to ask my dad for permission to buy that using his 'fund'. As I thought about this, I also asked God what should i do and whether or not I should get that shoes. I also put this into my prayer at night before sleep and His peace reigned within my heart through the night.
As I woke up the next morning, I did my devotion as usual. I read with an expectation that of an encounter with the Lord. As it turned out, the devotion Spoke into my heart. Even when I saw the title of the devotion this morning, Your Heavenly Father Knows You, my heart just spurned with joy, expecting Him to speak to me. These were the words that spoke to my heart:
Prayer is not designed for us to inform God of our needs for He already knows them.
Prayer enables us to experience GOd more intimately.
The more a child experiences the loving provision of a parent, the more convinced he becomes of his parent's unrelenting love.
Our Heavenly Father knows exactly what is best for us, and He is prepared to provide for every need, if we will but ask (Phil. 4:13)
After the devotion, I felt the courage to ask my dad for it and so I messaged him when I walked to uni. I didn't get any reply from him through the day. Throughout the day, I felt intimidated that my dad wouldn't be happy and propbably would be angry with me for asking that. The old mindset about my dad still hovered in my mind and I still find it hard to shake them off. When I (and my siblings) were young we never asked anything from our dad and a lot of times, we will be scolded or denied, if we asked for anything. Such mindset had placed a fear in our heart to ask anything from our dad. However I knew that my dad is not the same anymore this day. But still such small fear went through my mind.
However I took the faith to call home and ask him tonight. I've planned a few days ago that I would like to call home tonight just to talk to my dad, as most of the time when I called home, I just spoke to my mom. After Powergen meeting, I went home and called back home.
I thank God that somehow my housemate is not using the phone line at the moment, and that both my mom and dad are awake, watching TV when I called. So I spoke to both of them and spoke to my dad latter. I spoke to him about some general stuff first, then at the end he asked me about the shoes that I told him about. To my joy, he sounded cool and calm. Then he spoke to me about looking at the quality of the shoes before I purchase them. PTL! He gave me permission to buy it. God again answered my prayer mightily! I also knew that He wanted me to shake that old mindset off about my dad and not be bounded to it.
During the day, God enabled me to finish the first part of my assignment and I was ready to pass it up tomorrow (due date is on Friday). Then I can start with my latter part of the assignment earlier.
After I finished my works in uni, I caught the bus home. In the bus I was stirred to go Powergen tonight and so i messaged my friend for transport. Thank God she was willing to pick me up from my place.
As it turned out, the meeting that night was great and phenomenal and Sy Rogers brought forth a great revelation of God's footprints and the things that confirm God's existence (apart from Jesus and BIble). I was truly blessed to be there that night.
After the meeting, I took the bus home with a few of my friends and we were again blessed in the journey because we had a ride in a new bus, with a free ride, which is truly a blessing to me, because I don't need to use the bus ticket for this trip tonight.
God brought me home safely through the uni security escort after the bus trip.
Praise the Mighty and Awesome God who provides!